[geeks] FS Cryptonomicon, First Edition, signed by Neal Stephenson, author

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Feb 2 20:52:04 CST 2017

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 02:36:05PM -0500, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
>(if this is OK with Mr. Bill)

Of course.  I just ask that if someone has a list of cool stuff they
let me know first and maybe give me first shot :)

The only thing I'll complain about is commercial vendors / resellers
posting stuff FS, and even then I'll usually allow it if they're cool
and ask permission first.

>$75 plus actual shipping; I will donate $15 to Bill's server fund/Amazon wish
>list out of that.

Woah!  Thank you.  Very generous.  

I should put stuff on my WL that's server-related, I'm wanting to rebuild the
current box into a rackmount case and put it in a short rack.. right now it's
a ghetto desktop case on a plastic folding table.


Bill Bradford
Houston, Texas USA

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