[geeks] Testing E10k RAM

JP Hindin jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com
Wed Jan 10 16:21:30 CST 2018

On Wed, 10 Jan 2018, Jonathan Katz wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 6:05 PM, JP Hindin <jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com> wrote:
>>> Greetings;
>>> In the process of bringing up an E10k I keep striking DIMMs that are bad.
>>> I could spend a day sitting in front of it, powering node boards up and
>>> done and constantly re-POSTing the machine to identify more bad sticks,
>> but
>>> this seems fraught with danger of releasing the blue smoke from DC
>>> components.
> Just set up some single-board domains and POST them individually/one-by-one?

Right, that's kind of what I'm left with at present - but that's still me 
power -on'ing SBs, hpost'ing, stopping, replacing DIMMs, and repeat until 
things are clear, which I'd kind of like to avoid.

While the E10k is designed to handle hot swap replacements, I get real 
nervous about powering 20 year old datacentre level gear on and off 
repeatedly. Usually that's when things stop working.

Nevertheless, without better options, that's exactly what I'll do. 
Thankfully I have a bunch of spares from some guy who moved to Belgium. I 
can't remember his name though. (jokes)

  - JP

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