[geeks] SunOS disk image manipulations/reading

JP Hindin jplist2008 at kiwigeek.com
Tue Mar 31 15:06:52 CDT 2020

Good afternoon to you all in these bizarre times,

I'll skip the long back story, which is both fascinating and utterly 
uninteresting at the same time, and skip to it - I have a couple of disk 
images made from Solaris9 disks from Sun Netra compactPCI boards that I 
need to be able to work with.

Normally I'm working on Linux machines (I can feel Mouse's glare) so those 
are the kinds of tools I'd be hoping for, but I can be... flexible.

Generally when *I* do this sort of thing I'll connect the Sun disk to a 
Linux machine, and walk through the partitions doing partition-level 
 	dd if=/dev/sdX2 of=sunXYZ_home.img bs=1M
 	dd if=/dev/sdX3 of=sunXYZ_var.img bs=1M
Which I can then work with later, if necessary, with Linux's VFS loopback 
 	mount -oufstype=sun -tufs -oro -oloop ./sunXYZ_home.img /mnt
As well as making a whole-disk image should I need to blow it back onto a 
disk later.

The images I presently have, however, are only full raw disk images, 
inclusive of partition table. I'd rather not have to write them out to 
disks to read them back in. Logically I need to peel a partition off this 
image so that it can be mounted and data from it copied - but I'm not 
entirely sure how to do that.

At least, I _think_ I'm looking at this problem the right way. I would 
love some advice.

My thanks to all, and do take care of yourselves;

  - JP

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