[geeks] Q: PDP-11 programming environment

William Barnett-Lewis wlewisiii at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 14:24:52 CDT 2020

This page http://www.avanthar.com/healyzh/decemulation/pdp11emu.html is the
best one stop place to go that I am aware of. I prefer SIMH for the
emulator but I stick to BSD 2.11 for an OS so I'm not much help with the
DEC software though it can't be any more, ah, interesting than VMS was. :D

On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 1:48 PM Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Today on a whim I picked up a copy of a 40 year-old book "Minicomputer
> Systems, Organizing, Programming, and Applications (PDP-11), 2nd Edition"
> and
> am contemplating setting up a virtual PDP-11 environment to go with the
> exercises in the book, but I have no exp. with SIMH or other 'virtual'
> PDP-11
> (or real, to be honest), any suggestions on how to proceed?
> At a basic level I think I'll need a simulator, an OS image, and the
> assorted
> programming tools to write assembler (MACRO-11?) - correct? Pointers?
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