[geeks] SmartUP - P.17 Green Relay Error??

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 09:56:00 CST 2021

Yeah, I have had to adjust that on ours too, webre on an industrial part and
occasionally get transients from other factories kicking in big machinery, or
our workshop using heavy tools.



Sent from my iPad

> On 21 Dec 2021, at 15:51, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com> wrote:
> o;?The only thing I've seen with smartups that frustrated me was 'line
> sensitivity' - the UPS would throw an alarm if there was a ripple or other
> minor, transitory issue with the line voltage. After going crazy with these
> random alarms and needlessly replacing the batteries, I was able to make
> UPS less sensitive thru a series of button presses.
> Just a thought, no idea about 'green relay' specifically.
> Ken
>> On Dec 21, 2021, at 05:04, Mark Benson <md.benson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> o;?Long time no email!
>> Our newest APC Smart-UPS 1000 (SMC1000IC) threw a non-critical (as in
>> still working okay, in-spite of an apparent existential crisis) tantrum
> this
>> morning in that way that UPSbs do (annoying tone, means you have to get
>> and do something) before Ibd finished my first coffee of the the day.
>> Itbs showing P.17 on the screen and on the SmartConnect cloud dashboard,
> but
>> all I can find in the book of words is bP.17 Green Relay Errorb and
>> nothing else in the way of explanation. It is *not* the Output, BackFeed
>> AVR Relay as itbs not the right code. WTH is a Green Relay? All that I
>> think of is their modern UPSs have a Green Mode and it might be some kind
> of
>> switchover relay for that.
>> I emailed APC for an answer but in the meantime thought Ibd ask if anyone
>> else had tripped over this recently?
>> Best Regards of the Season
>> b
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