[geeks] illumos to drop support for SPARC

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Fri May 7 13:25:48 CDT 2021

Not to a jerk, but I don't remember being asked:

"If a community of users was going to emerge to provide engineering effort and
build resources for SPARC, it likely would have done so by now. It is always
sad to close a chapter in our history, and SPARC systems represent a strong
and positive memory for many of us. Nonetheless, the time has arrived to begin
the process of removing SPARC support from the operating system."


> On May 7, 2021, at 12:49, Phil Stracchino <phils at caerllewys.net> wrote:
> o;?On 5/7/21 12:49 PM, Nathan Raymond wrote:
>> Apparently due to lack of SPARC hardware to use as build machines:
>> https://github.com/illumos/ipd/blob/master/ipd/0019/README.md
> Signs of the end of an era.
> --
>  Phil Stracchino
>  Babylon Communications
>  phils at caerllewys.net
>  phil at co.ordinate.org
>  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
>  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958
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