[SunRescue] Offerings

BSD Bob bsdbob at weedcon1.cropsci.ncsu.edu
Mon Aug 16 13:47:45 CDT 1999

> I worked on machines that had paper tape, magnetic cards, real core, and 
> vacuum tubes.  That wasn't even the first job in which I used computers, 
> just the first one where I did nothing else.

Gawrsch!  A real Olden Pfarte....  I doff me bowler to ye sir!

What particular machine was that?


> My son thinks I'm older than dirt.

He doesn't understand..... yet..... he will, with time.....

> In this business, you don't have to be very old to have worked on some 
> pretty early equipment.

That is true, but, it still is an eye opener to a lot of folks to walk
up with an 8 inch flopper and ask which drive to read it in....  good
for strange looks.....

> -Shel

Kudos to you Shel.....


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