Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): [SunRescue] Offerings

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Tue Aug 17 15:28:40 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>Hey, close...3/21/69.  How's it feel to be a "recent" 30, man? ;)
>              -Dave McGuire

Recent 30, New house owner, father in 7 weeks, hey, life changes.
Actually, I'm on the verge of just sitting down and sleeping for about 2
years, I'm not sure if I can handle a millenium change in the middle of
everything else :-)

The responses about age were kind of fun, we really do cover the spectrum.
 I really am impressed by the recall ability of some listers who can
remember stuff they haven't seen/used in years, and give coherent
responses relating to that stuff.  I'm doing good remembering my password
on a machine if I don't boot it for a week.  A nice mix of super techies
and hobbyists also. 
 I actually got on this list because a friend got all excited about "some
pizza box machine that said Sun on it" and promptly went Sun compulsive on
me.  (He's the one with the Atari logo in his Sig, and the rantings about
Battlestar Galactica and Voltron) 

 I am really just beginning to play with my IPC, and have already decided
that "Slowlaris" really isn't for me on that platform, besides, it does
some weird stuff on install, and puts things where they don't make sense
to me.  As soon as I resolve my monitor issue It will go to Linux or a
BSD.  What's really fun is that my whole reason for playing with a
non-windows machine was actually a desire for simplicity, and a fond
remembrance of the hoops I could make my TRS-80 model IV jump through. 
Now my biggest reason for playing with *ixes is to eventually have one
working machine, that is capable of pretending to be a Windows box or a
Mac when necessary, and never have to roll back and forth between 4 or 5
machines.  Just one computer in the house. (and of course a dial up
server, and a file server so my wife can store things), but put the rest
out in the yet unbuilt computer museum, in working order, so that people
who care can actually come play with them, or even use them for useful

The 690 MP is destined to be the repository of as many OSs as I can get my
hands on, and the Web and FTP server, provided I can ever get access
faster than a dial up out here in the boonies. 

I guess I feel like I missed out on the golden age of real computers, and
want to catch the tail end of it in some nostalgic way.

I also guess I am tired, because I am waxing philosophical, so I'll shut
up :-)


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