[SunRescue] CDROM recommendations etc for a ss10, linux

Keith Low krlow at idirect.com
Wed Aug 18 15:23:11 CDT 1999


    I would like to say thanks for the info about the settings of the CD-ROM.
Saved me a lot of time trying all the different combinations of settings.


AD Computer Solutions

"Geoffrey S. Mendelson" wrote:

> Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> > I'll be installing redhat 6 on the machine, and I'm considering
> > getting the ss10 its very own external cdrom drive. Now i'm a
> > bit confused about the exact requirements for such a drive.
> > Will any old SCSI drive do? What are the crucial questions to
> > ask?
> Suns are very particular about the type of cd-rom drive. Besides the
> offical Sun drives, the ones that usually work without a change are,
> Sony, Pioneer, Plextor, and Toshiba. Any other that can be set to use
> 512 byte blocks will also work.
> NEC drives never work. An "Apple CD-ROM 300" (Sony drive) will work, but an
> "Apple CD-ROM 300+" (Panasonic drive) will not.
> Remember to set your termination correctly, parity on, and the id to 6.
> Boot your computer with the "new" command "boot cdrom".
> For others reading this post, only drives physicaly set to 512 byte blocks
> will boot using the "b sd(0,6,2)" type command. (SS1,IPC,SLC, and older).
> Geoff.
> --
> Geoffrey S. Mendelson
> Tel:  (03) 6944-211  Fax: (03) 6944-225 Email: gsm at bfr.co.il
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