Re(2): [SunRescue] Booting a Sun3

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Mon Aug 30 11:54:21 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>(BTW, though I'm fairly new to this list, wouldn't these kinds of
>questions be better handled on some other list, such as suns-at-home,
>etc.?  Or are we also how to make use of these things once they've been
>rescued?  ;-)

Actually, this list kind of wanders, we even had a one message flame about
off topics, but generally the interests of the active contributors are
related enough that we tolerate the meanderings.  I think maybe our kind
host set up the workstations list to try to bring this list back on line. 
Of course a machine cannot be considered until it runs corrrectly.

TIm Hauber 

"The Microsoft Virtual Machine is no longer supported by Microsoft."

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