[SunRescue] Offerings

paul yaskowski paul at dragontear.org
Fri Aug 13 16:52:56 CDT 1999

  consider yourself luckier than i.  you have to travel a good 30
minutes to find a staples around here.  i work at the local chamber of
commerce, and *nix is unheard of there.  so, i sit at home and tinker
with my computers.  sad thing is, i don't really do anything.. but i do
love learning how to use them.  and, damn does a broadcast ping look
sweet coming back from all of those computers. :P

* Jonathan Eisch (jeisch at boku.net) [08.13.99 17:37]:
> I'm 15, and live in a city where 'computer-type' people correct my speach all the
> time "You mean, you work on 'unique' computers".  ;-)  And I've been laid off from
> my job at a PC place, because "Staples" came to town.  So, I can relate well (or
> wish I could).
> -Jonathan

"it always comes to this. if they really had a desire to live, they
would've been more aware of how easy it is to die, would've chosen
their actions more wisely. in these moments, you can tell they're not
regretting having hurt you. they regret doing it to your face." -- jthm

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