[SunRescue] Offerings

Bill Bradford mrbill at frenzy.com
Sun Aug 15 18:45:33 CDT 1999

On Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 07:26:55PM -0400, Kent Rankin wrote:
> >I'm an incurable geek - even tho my house has central heat and air, I
> >added a window AC unit in the "computer room", JUST so I could be sure
> >none of the boxes would overheat... 8-)
>     I don't have to worry about that.  I'll be using liquid heat exchangers
> that fire the air directly out my A/C ducting.  I've already talked to the
> building's designer and checked to see if it can handle my dissipation.  =)
>                                                 -Kent Rankin
> P.S. - What's the deal with #unix?  Can't join.  One of the Op's set it to
>        no visitors?

Channel key is "nohelp".


Bill Bradford * mrbill at sunhelp.org * http://www.sunhelp.org
>From a Sun Microsystems bug report (#4102680):
"Workaround: don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey."

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