Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): [SunRescue] Offerings

Christopher Drelich hyena at
Mon Aug 16 20:41:38 CDT 1999

The company by my work just threw out three WANG systems.  I found them at
around 10am during my smoke break.  Weren't there when I got out of work
though.  If I see any more, is there any interest in picking one up?

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, scohen - Stephen Cohen wrote:

> All y'all are youngsters.  My first encounter with programming was a Wang programmable calculator using 80 column punched cards.  This was 1966 - I was in 8th grade.  My first job was with Sperry Univac R&D (Database Systems, RPS 1100, Roseville, MN) on 1108b mainframes - the ones with actual core memory.  We had to be careful opening them up . . . all those ones and zeros can make a real mess.
> I was through grad school with a Master's in Computer Science BEFORE the Apple II was invented.  In fact, Sperry asked me to look into the Apple - in my infinite wisdom, I concluded that this microcomputer was incapable of hosting a database of any sort.  Much later I learned of the Boeing Vulcan project (later renamed dBASE II which ran on a CP/M card inserted into a IIe).
> A. G. Edwards once asked me of the significance of the Apple Lisa.  I told them that it represented as big a leap over MS-DOS as the original Apple represented prior to the invention of the general purpose microcomputer.
> Now, that's OLD!
> Stephen P. Cohen           Email:  scohen at
> Acxiom Data Network        Phone:  (501)336-2054
> Logistics Business Unit    Fax:    (501)336-3910
> Acxiom Corporation         Web:
> 301 Industrial Boulevard
> Conway, AR   72033
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Haas [mailto:wedge at]
> Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 03:43 PM
> To: rescue at
> Subject: Re: Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): Re(2): [SunRescue] Offerings
> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Tim Hauber wrote:
> >
> > Not really, we've got a couple teen-agers on this list, they were born in
> > the 80s for pete's sake!  They probably listen to this rap junk :-)
> > 
> Hey watch it!! :)
> 02/03/80
> It's usually oldies or jazz, none of this modern noise :) Actually I think
> MFM drives spinning up is more music than some of the stuff these days (or
> those Apple ][ imagewriter ][s)... 
> And I heartily enjoy listening to all these accounts of so-called
> 'old-time' machines and users :) Great piece of history which I missed,
> and a good nostalgic kick. 
> For a Sun related question... is there anywhere on the internet where one
> could find a copy of SunOS 4.1.x for the SPARC platform? 
> Keep it coming, I am never bored when reading this list... ALWAYS learning
> something. 
> > "The Microsoft Virtual Machine is no longer supported by Microsoft."
> >
> > hmmm....
> > 
> > 
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