[SunRescue] Need a system to learn on...

Kent Rankin srao at usit.net
Fri Aug 20 07:44:16 CDT 1999

>If you want iron to get yer gemittenfingerpokins into, then a 12 slot
>deskside VME crate of the sun3 or sun4 line is a classical gas.
>Bear in mind that you will have substantial nuances to overcome in
>order to make a good workhorse machine out of it (such as old tape
>drives with decomposing rubber wheels, old HD's that are getting
>harder to find, incompatibility issues between hardware levels, porting
>sufficient software to suit, finding documentation  for it, etc.).
>Also, finding working monitors of that vintage is getting difficult.
>Most of what I have run across in surplus are dead or dying things.
>Basically, I would not recommend one as a learning machine on which
>to learn how to operate a unix box.  If you want a good, solid box
>to tinker with, and are prepared to tinker, they are fine.

    Wait a minute... you're having trouble finding such gear?  Erk, 
how do I say this and retain respect for the gear... hmmm...

    "Please... I will do anything... I've got all of it... *BUY IT*".
How was that?  =)

    No, really, if anyone is having trouble finding such gear, I'd be 
more than glad to sell it to them for quite little.

                                    -Kent Rankin

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