[SunRescue] Alternative Hobbies

apotter at icsa.net apotter at icsa.net
Fri Nov 19 13:33:02 CST 1999

erico at bendcable.com said:
> Speaking of alternative hobbies, I've really been wanting to make a
> fishbowl out of a Mac Classic. 


PLEASE don't use a working one.....

| Al Potter                          Senior Network Security Analyst |
| apotter at-yay icsa ot-day net               Manager, Firewall Lab |
| (If the spambots learn piglatin...)                      ICSA Labs |
| PGP Key: 0x58C95451                            http://www.icsa.net |
| PGP Fingerprint:  D3 1D BE 8C B5 DD 12 61  5A 4A 65 32 93 E5 D9 36 |

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