[SunRescue] New mailing list announced

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Nov 21 07:21:41 CST 1999

I've started another mailing list alongside the ones on mrbill.net / 


For when you just want to bitch about something to other people, and
get it off your chest.  Anything goes.

To subscribe:

Email list postings to vent at mrbill.net or vent at sunhelp.org, etc.

Have fun!

Bill Bradford   *   mrbill at mrbill.net    /   http://www.mrbill.net
                    mrbill at sunhelp.org   /   http://www.sunhelp.org
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using 
Windows NT for mission-critical applications."
     -- What Yoda *meant* to say 

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