[SunRescue] MP3s

Martin Frost martin at dsres.com
Mon Nov 22 14:07:30 CST 1999

James Lockwood wrote:

> The LX goes up to 48KHz 16 bit stereo.  It plays MP3's quite well.  Both
> use the same CPU, a 50MHz microSPARC-I.

Hmmmm. A microSPARC-I is roughly 486-class, yes? Does this mean that
a 486/66 should be able to do this (assuming a real OS and not much
else going on)? I ask because it's a current project of mine to
network my entire flat and pipe music over Ethernet to computers
equipped with sound, possibly a VT220-based jukebox system and
not much else. The project is currently on hold for lack of free
time and enough small machines as the `terminals'. I've got a
couple of 486/66 motherboards, but everyone I've talked to says
that's not enough for MP3 decoding. I guess not using Windoze
would make it more possible, but does anyone know if that's
enough? Is the LX's ability down to superior SPARC floating point?

Failing that, does anyone have any LXs for sale (preferably
UK/Europe?) I'd prefer to do it with Real Computers, if
possible. I see that MemoryX has SS5/70s for sale from time
to time, but shipping is expensive and it seems a bit like
overkill... Also, ISTR that SS5 audio is worse than LX.


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