[SunRescue] SunHELP Announcements

Bill Bradford mrbill at ohno.mrbill.net
Wed Sep 1 20:33:20 CDT 1999

Just FYI:  I"ve created a mailing list dealing with the design and 
	layout (and coming redesign) of the SunHELP web sites.  If you'd
	like to participate or share ideas, see


In other important announcements:

	The site is getting an upgrade!  Courtesy of Jim Hall at
	Marathon International (http://www.marathon-int.com), SunHELP
	will be upgraded from a SPARCstation 5/170 machine to an
	UltraSPARC 1/140 server, for the web site, mailing lists,
	and backend database.  More news forthcoming as I get
	the new machine up and running. 

 - bill
   Bill Bradford * mrbill at sunhelp.org * http://www.sunhelp.org
"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes."
  -- Unknown

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