Re(2): [SunRescue] HOW useful 690/MP

David Rouse drouse at
Mon Sep 13 13:39:16 CDT 1999

> >I'd like one for my house, where are you located?
> Don't know if they all are, but my 690 MP requires 220V, which means 
> can't just plug it in any old place.  Of course, what is really more
> important, a computer or a clothes dryer? :-)  Because My wife doesn't
> agree I still haven't turned mine on. 
>  Does anyone know if Linux supports SMP on Sparcs, and if so what
> processor is minnimum?

I once took an old IBM (Series 32, 34, or 36) with the intent of 
unplugging my stove and setting up the computer in the kitchen. Sadly 
(?) I wasn't able to get the beast into the house. It's still in my side 
yard, like an old Buick up on blocks.

But, our 670MP uses a normal 3-prong power cord and outlet.

David Rouse
Network Manager
Goldsboro News-Argus

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