[SunRescue] Solaris >2.5.1 on 4/600MP & 4/330 Memory Boards

j. grubman jg at false.net
Thu Sep 2 22:35:49 CDT 1999

> The web page is inaccurate.  The distinction is that 2.6 and above don't

Hey all,

Speaking of the stuff in my grossly outdated infrequently asked questions
archive (false.net/iaq)... if anybody here feels like compiling specific
bits of useful information, that would be great. I see a ton of useful and
somewhat obscure knowledge get tossed about this list that it would be 
awesome to see documented...

Bill, do you have any plans to make your mailman archives searchable or 
are they already? If not, I could set up a searchable archive of the list
itself. If anyone thinks any of this would be useful, let me know.


joshua grubman

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