[SunRescue] Sparcstation 2

Eric Randall randall at csonline.net
Wed Aug 2 10:20:06 CDT 2000

If you need an nvram I got a mostly dead ss2 board with the nvram still
kicking.  You can have the nvram chip for postage if you want.


chris Gnther wrote:

> Hi Kings,
> I was offered a SUN SparcStation 2 with the following
> configuration and I'd like to know if it is any good.
>         ROM Vers. 2.9
>         16 MB RAM
>         CG3 Color Frame Buffer
>         Seagate ST1480N (404 MB)
>         AUI Ethernet
>         Floppy
>         Solaris 2.6 preinstalled (as a test he says)
>         NVRAM empty
> it's kind of urgent, so I'd really appreciate a quick
> and dirty answer.
>         many many thanks in advance
>                 chris
> +---------------------------------+
> |             chris               |
> | ------------------------------- |
> |  database design & programming  |
> |   agentur fiedler / video.de    |
> |                                 |
> |                 madram at video.de |
> +---------------------------------+

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