[SunRescue] More on my cache of 5.2 CDs

JonathanKatzjon at jonworld.com JonathanKatzjon at jonworld.com
Wed Aug 9 09:10:36 CDT 2000

I had to open up one to be sure...

These are the Multi-OS promo CDs that Sun normally gives out at 
trade shows and such. Multi-OS means Linux+Windows+Solaris (x86 & sparc)

These aren't box-sets or anything, just the cardboard holder shrinkwrapped
with the CD. Essentially I could send them regular US mail but in larger
packaging. Think up to $1 to send things within the lower 48.

Jonathan Katz
e-mail: jon at jonworld.com 
website: http://jonworld.com
proprietor: http://bachelor-cooking.com
Cell: 317-698-4023 * Pager: 800-759-8888 1770869 * FAX: 530-688-5347

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