[SunRescue] IPC question...

KurtMosiejczukkurt at csh.rit.edu KurtMosiejczukkurt at csh.rit.edu
Fri Aug 18 13:40:48 CDT 2000

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000, Ken Hansen wrote:

> sunhelp.org page has a link to the birdsall HW Ref pages, try there.

I did try that first... which section?  I checked the CPU section,
the board sections (both of them) and even the appendices, and I didn't
see a section on which order to throw memory in.

> The quick answer is that the RAM should go from front to back skipping
> slots as needed. To put in your two banks (of 4 SIMMs) you would put
> two in the front-most slots, skip two, fill two, skip two, fill two, skip
> two,
> fill two, then skip two.
> Confused? The link off of sunhelp.org ahould help...

Now I'm REALLY confused.  I ended up finding more SIMMs for the third
bank, and then it came on...  however, I don't know how I would work
your suggestion since the IPC only has 3 banks of 4, like this:


---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----

Thus I assume you need to fill a bank of 4 at a time,
but I don't know which order (still don't really, as even
though it works now, I filled them ALL)

> Ken


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