HBA's was Re: [SunRescue] Excuse my gross oversimplification of RAID
Eric Ozrelic
rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 4 01:57:01 CST 2000
I've seen bare bones U30's go for around $750 on eBay, and ones that are
fully functional
for around $1300.
On a personal note. I really like the head to head performace of
UDMA100x7200RPMx2MB cache IDE HD's, against some very high end SCSI drives.
In many cases, drive to drive shootouts between IDE and SCSI, IDE comes out
on top for performance, and cost by a rather large margin. IDE has come a
long way, and for small
to medium performance desktops system that don't require RAID, IDE is the
clear cut
winner overall.
Eric Ozrelic
> As do I, but the cheapest I've seen an Ultra 30 for in reasonble shape
> with reasonable specs is about $3500, whereas I got my U10 for $1400. I
> figure a few hundred on a good SCSI card, and another few hundred on a
> good drive and I'm still ahead of the game (not by much I'll admit)
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