[SunRescue] what are these parts of Axil Ultima?
James Lockwood
rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Dec 10 16:42:11 CST 2000
On Sun, 10 Dec 2000, Paul Phillips wrote:
> View 1 shows the back panel. There are three ports that I don't know what
> they are.
The parallel lines ("//") indicate the parallel port. The MII connector
is a standard 100 megabit Media Independent Interface port (for hooking
100 megabit fibre, etc adapters). The "A/B" port is serial (port "A" can
be used directly, with a breakout Y-cable you can use both ports).
> View 2 and View 3 are photos of the motherboard. What kind of memory is
> this? I occasionally see memory being auctioned at ebay, and I'd like to
> know how to identify this memory, so I could buy the right stuff. There
> are several free memory slots.
It's the same RAM as used in the SS20 and Ultra 1/2/30/60/80/2x0/4x0 (the
SS10 uses the same RAM but original SS10 RAM isn't rated for the same
speed). Any 16MB/32MB/64MB/128MB DIMMs should work (with the exception of
early third-party SS20 DIMMs with funky refresh), they're used in pairs.
> There are some slots in Views 2 and 3 that I cannot identify. The first is
> an empty set of two black slots, and the second is an empty single white
> slot. These are visible in the photos.
Can't tell from the photos. Can you get a more closer in shot at the
slots with better lighting?
> Finally, the processor sits in a slot by itself (View 4). If I want to
> upgrade this processor, what are my options? Occasionally I see faster
> processors on ebay - how would I know if they would work in this machine?
> Is there a difference in Ultra 1 and Ultra 2 processors? If so, which
> style is this?
Ultra 1's do not have replaceable processors. You should be able to use
any module which will function in an Ultra 2, though I don't think Axil
shipped modules faster than 200MHz in the Ultima 1.
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