[SunRescue] I could run a small country...

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 28 22:28:35 CST 2000

On December 27, James Lockwood wrote:
> >   Hey James...do you think that code will vectorize well?
> Yes, extremely.  Neural net training is an iterative process, but within
> each iteration there is room for massive SIMD vectorization.  The same
> operations are being applied to thousands of nodes.  Each "layer" depends
> on the previous (or next, depending on if you're using the net or training
> it) but within a layer everything can be vectorized.

  I wonder if anybody's ever run it on a Cray.  I might give it a
shot.  I've got a C++ compiler on my J90; haven't done anything with
it yet.

  Hey, hmm...I wonder if it could figure out women! 8-)

       -Dave McGuire

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