[SunRescue] Need a 1 GB Disc Urgently !

Michael C. Vergallen mvergall at double-barrel.be
Fri Feb 18 20:45:13 CST 2000


the disc from my 3/60 's just died ! I require a disc 50 Pin SCSI 2 and a
SCSI external case that has a SCSI Centronics Connector on it ! Becuase
the case I have the Power suply is giving me nothing but spikes ...

So if you have a disc left contact me.

Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike, 
Sportstraat 28			http://www.double-barrel.be/mvergall/
B 9000 Gent			ftp://ftp.double-barrel.be/pub/linux/
Belgium				tel : 32-9-2227764 Fax : 32-9-2224976

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