Re(2): RE: RE: [SunRescue] Real ISP

James Lockwood james at
Fri Feb 25 15:38:58 CST 2000

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Thats a type 5c keyboard with the Type6 "crossbow" mouse.  Its better
> than the Type5 mechanical, but I still think that both of them are too
> light (I'm almost to the point of putting some lead weights in...)

Put a mouse ball from an older Apple Logitech mouse in.  I use the one
from a IIgs mouse.  Feels like it has an iron core.

Still prefer optical mice, but that at least makes the mechanicals

I have an extra type-6 here, maybe I'll crack it open and see if the baud
rate can be cranked up.


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