Re(2): RE: RE: [SunRescue] Real ISP

Bill Bradford mrbill at
Fri Feb 25 14:05:26 CST 2000

On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 11:00:43AM -0500, Tim Hauber wrote:
> rescue at writes:
> >(altho with her, the cans are alwasy half empty and then used 
> >as ashtrays...).
> My wife does that half can thing too (not the ashtray though) she says a
> can that has been out of the fridge and pen for 10 minutes is warm and
> flat, I just wish I could find a place that sold 4oz cans.

Yeah!  I wish you could buy Coke in those "half-cans" I used to see during
the mid-80s... I wonder if they even make those anymore... anybody else
remember them?

(heh, good thing about running a mailing list, is that I can topic-drift
as much as I want...*grin*)

Me, every beverage container on my desk is EMPTY..

Her desk (well, the one that she "filled up", then she moved to a different

My desk (equally as bad, but its since been cleaned):


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at |
+-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------+-----------------------------------+
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