Re(2): [SunRescue] Proposition about this list

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Tue Jan 25 15:33:49 CST 2000

rescue at,Internet writes:
>Difficult question...  obviously, Sun is what got us all here.  For the
>most part, anyone that has a question has a Sun (feeling guilty about my
>HP related posts).  I think that opening up may detract from the quality
>of this list.  It may be prudent to state that this is a Sun-specific
>list, but we actually deal with more than just Suns, on occasion.
><:)  Lyndon Griffin

Or maybe you need to desire old Sun eqipment to join the list, but then we
discuss any problem or interest you have?  
I did notice the general workstation list doesn't get traffic anywhere
near the volume of the Sunrescue list.

I think the list will probably  stay high end oriented, just because the
geek-speak here will scare away people that don't care to learn, and
people that want to get involved tend to lurk for a while to see what's
going on, at least I did.  Generally, high end machines (that is not
rubber stamp PC boxes) speak for themselves, and people who use them don't
care to use the walmart machines.  I find non-Sun high end input (SGI,
Alphas, etc.) to be at least interesting reading, and often comes in handy
when you get a chance to work with stuff you haven't seen before.

 I'm for broadening the list, as long as we don't get swamped in Linux86
newbies who bought RedHat at Sam's Club (yes they are selling it) Or in
people who don't bother to empty their mailboxes and spam the list:-)


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