Re(2): [SunRescue] Proposition about this list

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at
Tue Jan 25 15:48:03 CST 2000

>Or maybe you need to desire old Sun eqipment to join the list, but then we
>discuss any problem or interest you have?
>I did notice the general workstation list doesn't get traffic anywhere
>near the volume of the Sunrescue list.

there is a workstation list?


>I think the list will probably stay high end oriented, just because the
>geek-speak here will scare away people that don't care to learn, and
>people that want to get involved tend to lurk for a while to see what's
>going on, at least I did. Generally, high end machines (that is not
>rubber stamp PC boxes) speak for themselves, and people who use them don't
>care to use the walmart machines. I find non-Sun high end input (SGI,
>Alphas, etc.) to be at least interesting reading, and often comes in handy
>when you get a chance to work with stuff you haven't seen before.

Hey wait a minite there buster! I am a
walmart-shopping-unix-geek-in-training redneck <grin>

--Mike N
Fun Fun Fun, in a Sun Ultra 1!!

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