[SunRescue] How FAST is a SUN IPC

Matthew Haas wedge at lightlink.com
Fri Jul 7 16:53:52 CDT 2000

On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> My first sun box was an IPX, while I knew it was going to lag in performance
> to many other x86 machines I found it to be quite a pleasure to run. I had
> this machine with 128 MBs o'ram and OpenBSD 2.5. X was acceptable.

How did you get 128MEGs of RAM in an IPX?

 -    |||       Atari 8-bit!  Star Wars * SPARCbook 3GX * SUMMER!!    -
-     |||      400/800/XL/XE  Battlestar: Galactica * SPARC * Linux    -
- |  | | |  | 2600/5200/7800  NetBSD1.4.2 * StarTrek * Galaga * SCSI   -
 - ||  |  ||     Lynx/Jaguar  Star Raiders * Descent * Voltron * UNIX -

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