AW: [SunRescue] Max capacity of harddisk supported by SS20

Maarten Deen mdeen at
Fri Jul 21 03:39:38 CDT 2000

Quoting =?us-ascii?Q?chris_Gunther?= <madram at>:

> When I installed Solaris 8 it asked me what partitions
> I would like to have and gave me the opportunity to choose
> things like /usr /etc/ /tmp /export/home /opt /var /openwin
> I did not know anything about Solaris at this point (have
> always just used Linux) so I decided to choose everything
> that was possible. I have a 8GB HDD for Solaris and I used
> /usr		3   GB
> /opt		2   GB
> /openwin	512 MB
> /var		200 MB
> /etc		50  MB
> /tmp		200 MB
> /		500 MB
> and the rest for /export/home
> Now I'm wondering if that was maybe a bad idea. Am I wasting
> too much Diskspace???

Depens really on what you want to use the system for, but I would not make a 
separate partition for /openwin or /etc. At home, Ive got /, /var, /tmp and 
/usr which is more than adequate for a home system.
With this partitioning you have to take care though. During install, /opt 
resides in / which has to be large enough (32Mb will do). First chore after 
installing would be then to move /opt to /usr/opt and symlink /opt to point to 
the new location.

For a laugh, I checked all the options during autopartition once when 
installing. After half an hour our so, Solaris came back and told me it 
couldn`t do this. I`d like to see the logic after it`s partitioning scheme, as 
the autopartition never suits me.



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