[Re: [SunRescue] Any experience with IDE to SCSI adapters???]

Reagen Ward ward at zilla.nu
Sun Jun 18 23:14:20 CDT 2000

On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 11:15:33PM -0400, Arnach wrote:

> 1) Native SCSI is bound to be faster. (SCSI is just faster anyway)

Agreed, SCSI is usually faster even with just one device.

> 2) Where are you going to put this adaptor..if you are talking about internal
> SCSI drives its not going to work.

Why not?  I adapt from SCA to 68pin FWSE SCSI, why not to IDE?  I know that they
exist for 2.5" drives as well, as both Tadpole and Apple have used them.

> 3) Chances are it won't work 100% correct and you'll have SCSI errors

The new ones seem to work very well.

> 4) You really won't be saving any money? Just buy SCSI drives.

Compare the price of a 2.5" SCSI drive to a 2.5" IDE drive.  Compare the price
of a 40GB IDE drive to a 36GB SCSI drive, even a narrow one.  Big difference.

My only interest in such devices is for a SPARCBook and a Powerbook, both using
2.5" SCSI drives, so I don't know much about the price of a 3.5" SCSI/IDE


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