[SunRescue] [Sun Rescue] SUN PC keyboards

Mark Davies MarkUK at uunix.demon.co.uk
Sat Mar 18 16:49:25 CST 2000

This maybe familiar news to you all but I've never seen one.

I went to a computer fair today and I bought a Sun keyboard.

This keyboard was not a type 4 or type 5

It was boxed as a SUN PC keyboard.

Ha, I thought, it'll be a type 4, so I looked underneath and found no
hole for the mouse, then I looked at the layout, no L1,L2,L3 etc.
Yet this really is a SUN PC (PS/2) type keyboard.

So I can hear you all saying, "so what, have you never seen a SPARK
ultra or something new" 

well no I haven't,  sorry. So it may be nothing, and everybody knows
about it except me;-)

Anyhow I paid 4 UKP (United Kingdom Pounds) for it and it's really

Thanks for listening.

BTW It wasn't listed in my SUN hardware brochure and it has a pound
Mark Davies

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