[SunRescue] Creator 2D/PCI card in Ultra 5?

Chris Drelich hyena at interport.net
Tue Mar 21 08:09:13 CST 2000

I personally haven't seen them, but I know they exist, if I find a URL, Ill
point it out.  This whole conversation actually came up just a few days ago at
work.  We were looking to buy a few new servers to do some RAID stuff.  One of
the servers that was offered came with an AGP RAID card.  Well, needless to
say, we didn't get it(we went for the system with the Mylex RAID), but yes, it
does exist, and if I find out more info Ill let you know.

David Murphy wrote:
> Quoting <38D77A0C.FCD3DE13 at interport.net>
> by Chris Drelich <hyena at interport.net>:
> > Errr. Well, maybe I didn't explain well. There ARE things that go
> > into an AGP slots besides Graphics cards. You don't want this. You
> > don't want your RAID or Network or SCSI card depending on AGP.
> Um, have you actually ever seen anything other than a graphics card
> that uses an AGP slot? I can't say that I have, but if you could
> perhaps point me at a URL describing such a product?
> --
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