[SunRescue] [Offtopic]A most amazing thing....

Aaron D. Teche teche at biostat.wisc.edu
Fri Mar 10 13:40:55 CST 2000

I know this is off topic, but I felt the need to share.
The following is the load on a SPARC 10/30 I help admin.

last pid:  3982;  load averages: 195.45, 195.39, 195.34                13:18:18
341 processes: 145 sleeping, 195 running, 1 on cpu
CPU states:  0.0% idle, 96.1% user,  3.9% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Memory: 64M real, 1984K free, 135M swap in use, 65M swap free

The machine was perfectly responsive.  Everything was well behaved except
for sendmail, which refused to run.   The cause of this load was
195 orphaned dtscreen processes.  They weren't using any cpu time.
It's wonderful.

I hate dt.


Aaron D. Teche   teche at biostat.wisc.edu
Biostatistics Computing Group
K4/564 CSC  (608) 262-7230

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