[SunRescue] VME Based Sun Workstation

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at cu-portland.edu
Sat Mar 18 21:09:42 CST 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Khoury - Tech Support [mailto:pkhoury3 at earthlink.net]
> Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 5:43 PM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [SunRescue] VME Based Sun Workstation
> At 07:30 PM 3/18/00 -0600, you wrote:
> >Hello,
> >Here's one that's probably unusual for my first post here. I 
> may want to buy
> >a VME based Sun3 or 4. The reason is that I may have a line on an old
> >Symbolics UX400S board. This is a VME base Lisp Machine for 
> running in a Sun
> >Workstation. If I do get this board, I would dearly love to 
> be able to get
> >it running. 

Where are you at?  VME Chassis (even the smallish x30 ones) are pretty huge
and expensive to ship.

> Are they used for Artificial Intelligence?  What exactly is 
> Lisp used for?

I usually use lisp to call a "shovel" a "thovel", but that's just me. :-)
Both Emacs and Sawmill use lisp extensively for scripting.

> I've always wanted something of mainframe or supercomputer power (not
> nessecarily current),
> don't quite know exactly why...

If only I'd had 16K when those CS6400 had come up, that would have been a
really cool mainframe.  Of course, you could call whatever workstation you
use "super computer power", if it had been available 10 years eariler.  :)

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