[Sunhelp] Re: [SunRescue] BeOS 5 Personal Edition available

Tim kamakazi at tangent.stev.net
Wed Mar 29 15:14:50 CST 2000

BSD Bob wrote:
> > > OK, got it.  It looks like a .exe file, which doesn't smell very Unixy.
> > > What can I do with it?  Where do I find out more about it, etc?
> > > It only took about 5 minutes on my line to download.
> >
> > it needs to be installed/booted from a windows 95/98/2000/NT4 system. it reads
> > its kernel from befs on a fat/ntfs partition. 2000 and NT4 require a boot
> > floppy. pretty sick, huh.
> Well, different.
> I installed it on D: and it is booting now.  What the heck, anything
> is better than NT.

absolutely refuses to boot on Virtual PC on a Mac :-)

> It installed cleanly on drive D:, with minor bits on C:.
> Requires 571mb to install.
> Ohhhh, it has a nice login screen.....
> Lessee if it won't choke the hardware.... it is polling it....
> Wow.... the rodentia critter is zippy as the wind..... blows NT away....
> The screen and windows look reasonable, and not as kludgy as gatesware....

Don't like the big tabs, menus are very Mac, controls are kinda next,
picture looks good

> Ahh, it won't grok me etherealnetworkingdevice.... oh, well.

hmmm, the docs say it only recognizes a specific 3com and NE2K jumpered
cards, it won't initialize my half-way PnP D-link p.o.c.

> It looks interesting, though, from a short trip through it.

definitely is quick with the graphics

> It shutdown cleanly and rebooted gatesware.....
> > it did some REALLY nasty stuff to the onboard ati video on my laptop.
> Worked fine on my Gateway E4200 PIII/450/120mb box with 21'' screen.
> Much zippier than gatewsare NT4....

worked better with my graphics card than Windows or Linux did

> > the version you can can buy from best buy or wherever can be installed without
> > the use of a microsoft operating system. i'm not sure about the downloadable
> > version.
> I may have to try that on a home toy if I can figure out the networking
> issues.

It does mount fat and fat32 volumes cleanly, seems to access my Win
partitions OK

> Thats my zwei pfennigs worth.
> It is interesting, but now back to *nix......

I see the default shell is Bash, that's comfortable, but no pico :-(

> Bob


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