[SunRescue] Re: Best wishes for Bill...

Stefan Hames rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 4 09:36:16 CST 2000

Hi Bill,

Just wanted to add my best wishes to the other folk's.  I've been 
going through a lot of issues revolving around a fall and emergency 
surgery to relieve  pressure on my spinal cord, and I know how 
serious health issues can come to dominate one's life.   Modern 
medicine can work at least mini-miracles, though,  and I'm hoping 
that the docs will fix what ails ya.  Thankfully, with good docs and 
a little luck I'm still walking, and I hope that you'll be breathing 
easy soon.

Best regards,

Stefan Hames
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
E221 Corson Hall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
Phone: 607-273-4915 (home)
        607-254-2496 (lab)
        607-254-4262 (campus)
        607-255-8088 (fax)
<mailto: rsh5 at cornell.edu>

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