[SunRescue] Re: Big Red Button

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 7 20:46:25 CST 2000

That is the *one* time Corp. Security could have earned their pay!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Thompson" <m_thompson at ids.net>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 1:02 PM
Subject: [SunRescue] Re: Big Red Button

> I didn't have to push the Big Red Button myself. We had a false fire alarm
> when I was alone in the computer room in the wee hours of the morning. The
> firemen bashed down the glass front door to the building, kicked in the
> computer room door, and pushed the Big Red Button. It killed the
> motor-generators, filled the room full of Halon, and put a stop to my
> operating system test. They weren't apologetic at all.
> Michael Thompson
> E-Mail: M_Thompson at IDS.net
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