[SunRescue] good news

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Oct 2 04:50:10 CDT 2000

On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 02:11:16AM -0700, Stou Sandalski wrote:
> P.S.
> other then Unicos is there an OS that will run on a cray? like NetBSD or
> Linux?

I'm sure that Dave would LOVE to run NetBSD on one of his Crays (he's
a NetBSD GOD), but unfortunately the boxes are designed for vector
processing and I think porting something like NetBSD would be terribly
difficult.  Also, there's just not that many "end user hobbyist" Crays
*out there* - Dave's a rare case in having four of them.

Mention porting Linux to a Cray again and I'll come over to your house
and beat you with a sharp stick. 8-)

Linux makes a great end-user DESKTOP operating system, but if you
want to get real work done use a real OS on real hardware.

Bill (bad enough someone ported Linux to a domain of an E10K last week.. 
      Obviously the people who owned the E10K didnt actually NEED the 
      machine, since they had CPUs and development time to spare....

Bill Bradford * KD5LQR
  mrbill at mrbill.net
    Austin, TX

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