[SunRescue] good news

Gregory Leblanc GLeblanc at cu-portland.edu
Mon Oct 2 17:34:21 CDT 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave McGuire [mailto:mcguire at neurotica.com]
> On October 2, Stou Sandalski wrote:
> > Oh wow... how do you get them? are they expensive?
>   Well, like I said, the first one was via eBay.  Then you sorta get
> to know the "community", same as with classic machines.

I asked about the price on these, and some kind soul emailed me to tell me
that they he had some.  (Sorry if I never mailed you back, I was in

>   Wow, two rants in one night.  First, the "oppressive wives and
> girlfriends SUCK and need to get dumped" rant, now the "clock speed
> isn't everything" rant.  What a treat!  How many people will procmail
> me to /dev/null after today, I wonder... ;)

Not to /dev/null, but rather flagged as "important".  Two GOOD rants in one
day just can't be beat.  :-)  Later,

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