[SunRescue] RE: RDI Britelite WAS (Weitek PowerUp Question ) (Mike Hebel)

PaulECoadcoad at sonic.net PaulECoadcoad at sonic.net
Thu Oct 12 12:43:46 CDT 2000

> From: Earl Baugh <earl at baugh.org>
> Subject: [SunRescue] RE: RDI Britelite WAS (Weitek PowerUp Question ) (Mike Hebel)
> We couldn't get dual X displays to work with the LCD either....but we
> didn't spend a LONG time working on that...but on the SS10's it was a
> snap..)
I had dual X displays working under openwindows with SunOS 4.1 with a
brightlight.  There was a trick to it that was in the manual, but I 
don't remember how it worked.  (Did it have to do with bitdepth?)

There were a couple of different displays, color and mono, right?  The one I 
used had a 1 bit display.  The external monitor displayed in color though.
So the fb must have not been a bw2.


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