[SunRescue] SS10 - Memory configuration

JonathanKatzjon at jonworld.com JonathanKatzjon at jonworld.com
Fri Oct 13 11:21:46 CDT 2000

Seth asked:

:What is the minimum number of SIMM slots that need to be filled for the
:system to function?

I think RAM needs to be added to the SS10s in FOURs not pairs. This is off
the top of my head.

:The system that I own now has a SM51, so I am kind of eager to get it up and
:running.  The wife is a little concerned over the money put into this
:system, so I was wondering if it will run with 1-2 16Mb sticks.

No, you'll need 4 chips IIRC.

:I do have some leverage, though, my computing hobby has become a great
:career.  B-)

Isn't it great?

Jonathan Katz
e-mail: jon at jonworld.com 
website: http://jonworld.com
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