[SunRescue] 690mp & 240VAC

JasonJ.W.Williamsjason at digitarx.com JasonJ.W.Williamsjason at digitarx.com
Tue Oct 17 13:23:52 CDT 2000

I hadn't thought about the range/oven. I may do that. Thought I was going 
to have wire down into the basement, which I know my University's Buildings 
& Grounds staff wouldn't like. But the oven/range could work. Thanks.


P.S. Anybody got a line on 690mp manuals on line?

At 09:42 AM 10/17/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>At 09:53 AM 10/17/2000 -0400, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
>>Rumor has it there are folks on this list who like to play with the "big 
>>iron". I'm picking up a 690mp, and need a way to plug it into the wall. 
>>I've got 120V standard and I understand this box takes 240. Any info 
>>would be appreciated.
>If you've got a 240V drier or oven that might be a way to get power 
>without rewiring the place.
>I have a cable that I made up with the female circular connector that the 
>690 takes on one end and a standard 240V clothes drier plug on the other. 
>I was lucky enough to have some heavy cable that would work laying about 
>so avoided the cost of that and drier/oven plugs are pretty cheap, but the 
>connector for the 690 end was $15 or so new. This of course has the 
>disadvantage that you have to crawl behind and unplug the drier/oven when 
>you want to play with the 690, and if you have a spouse it may not win you 
>points for deactivating the appliances. :)
>Kyle Webb
>Beckman Institute
>System Services
>University of Illinois
>Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org

Jason J. W. Williams
"Man today is in flight from thinking."
-Martin Heidegger ("Memorial Address"/Discourse on Thinking)

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates 
it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

-When you aren't sure God is on your side, it better say Springfield on the 
Primary E-mail: jason at digitarx.com/Secondary E-mail: williamsjj at wlu.edu
ICQ #: 19686479

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