[SunRescue] online deal ethical q

BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Oct 19 18:35:10 CDT 2000

As the shipper, you'll need to file the damage claim.  You'll also need
to keep the package for inspection by UPS or whoever.  I HOPE for your
sake that its NOT UPS - I had the runaround with them while trying to
get a refund for a 9G HD they broke.

Also - are you sure in this case that it wasnt damaged by the buyer, who
might just want his money back?  Gotta consider it from all angles here..


On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 05:28:47PM -0500, Reagen Ward wrote:
> Here's an offtopic (but not entirely offtopic) question:
> I sold a computer to someone via ebay, and priority mailed it + insurance.  It
> got there today, a full 7 days after shipment, and was VERY badly damaged.  It
> clearly took a detour to someone's home, where it was damaged; even the battery
> was pried open with a screwdriver.
> In such a situation, what do I do?  Do I let the buyer handle the insurance
> claim, or do I refund the money and pursue it myself?  If I pursue it, I would
> need the damaged eq shipped to me from CA, and who's to say that it wasn't
> damaged in the second shipment?  One could argue that since I upheld my part of
> the deal, he should handle things, but the buyer was very nice and prompt, so
> I want to make sure he's happy with my part of the deal.  
> I have the insurance receipt and the shipping cost receipt with the clerk's
> name on it.  He has not asked for a refund, and he did say that he'd head to
> the USPS and ask what needs to be done.
> What do you folks think?
> Reagen

Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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