[SunRescue] we're all just spoiled (was: re: IPC)

BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Oct 23 14:46:23 CDT 2000

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 01:09:01PM -0500, Mike Hebel wrote:
> Serious question Bob, why X?  Can you "really" get anything done on a system
> this slow?  Or are you thinking have X and using it as an X-Terminal?  No
> Flamebait intended on this one.
> (Personally I've just avoided it out of hand on boxes this slow.)
> Just curious.
> Mike Hebel

Think about it guys - this was once a SOLD, SUPPORTED FACTORY CONFIG!

People were *glad* to have machines like this!

We're all just spoiled rotten with machines now.  Once upon a time, this was
the latest "hot box".  People would kill to have their own SPARCs on their


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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