[SunRescue] OT: PC recommendations

BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Sep 26 12:57:07 CDT 2000

I've finally come to the realization that I *dont* need a 
big-penis-Ultra30 system, or even a UNIX box, on my desk at home 
(therefore, I've sold it to pay off some bills).  All I need at 
home is a machine decent enough for SSH, Netscape, WinAmp, and
maybe an occasional game or two.  However, I've been "out of the
loop" of the PC scene for about a year or more...

So, anybody have recommendations for what kind of system (new or
used) I can pick up for around $500?  Last time I built a PC, it
was a Celeron 300, 128mb, with a Riva TNT (AGP) card; I'd like
to pick up something as-good-or-better than this if possible.

I'm also debating whether to buy a pre-built system, or save 
money (but gain hassle) by piecing a box together myself off



Bill Bradford * KD5LQR
  mrbill at mrbill.net
    Austin, TX

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