[SunRescue] 5 major manufacturers?

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Thu Sep 28 19:53:26 CDT 2000

newell at cei.net writes:

>>I don't allow PC hardware in my home. (Ok, one exception, there's
>>a rack-mount 486 sitting near me that has 6 i860s in it. That's

>i860...wow.  I've got a couple of VME i860 boards, but I never could find
>an assembler or compiler to play with.  Somewhere on the 'net there's a
>description of the exposed FPU pipeline.  Pretty scary.

Very scary. An EE friend of mine designed some boards that used
them, and he cringes at the name. Allegedly they represent one
of the worst cases of the chip people not talking to the compiler

The i860 is (kinda) a LIW though, and I'm a *huge* VLIW fan. Some
day I will get myself a TAAC board... I don't want to talk about
that Multiflow system I almost, but didn't, score. Dammit.

-------- David Fischer -------- dave at cca.org -------- www.cca.org --------
"Beauty is only skin-deep. It's what's underneath that really matters."
                                             - traditional cannibal saying

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